Sunday, 29 November 2009
Just delete this load of rubbish, don't reply and certainly don't send the scammer $155.
FROM: Charterd Finance & Securities
REF/PAYMENTS CODE: CF&sc/02354 $500,000 USD.
This is to bring to your notice that we are delegated from the UNITED NATIONS
in Central Bank in conjuction with the WORLD BANK GROUP OF THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA to pay you victims of scam $500,000 USD (Five Hundred Thousand
Dollars). You are listed and approved for this payment as one of the
scammed victims to be paid this amount, get back to this office as soon as
possible for the immediate payments of your $500,000 USD compensations funds.
Send a copy of your response to official email:
PHONE: 009 234 802-950-8654
CF&sc/02354 $500,000 USD.
You are advise to foward your contact details to me immediately to enable us proceed and pay your compensation fund to you,such as your name,address,phone numbers,and country of origin.
Note: YOU ARE GOING TO PAY A FEE OF $155 Usd for the delivery of your parcel, if you are not interested please do not contact Mr. Scott Williams.
Yours Faithfully,
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Business Preposition
Attention Sir/Madam
I am a chinese national currently based in UK and I have a business proposition for you that involves funds transfer and you standing as beneficiary to this funds and this proposal is confidential in nature but I must also let you know it is very safe in its execution. If you are willing to do business with enormous return kindly get back to me so I will furnish you with precise details on what I propose. EMAIL
Sun Ki Moon
Saturday, 21 November 2009
However, no tickets were sold but all email addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy.
AGE OR DATE OF BIRTH:....................
YOUR POSITION:................................
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN:.........................
COUNTRY OF RESIDENT:......................
PHONE AND FAX NUMBERS:.................
AMOUNT WON:...................................
BANK NAME:………………………………………………
BANK ADDRESS:………………………………………….
ACCOUNT NUMBER:………………………………………
SWIFT CODE:………………………………………………
BANK TEL NUMBER:………………………………………
Due to possible mix up of some numbers and email contacts, we ask that you keep this award strictly from public notice until your claim has been processed and your money remitted. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by some participants of this program.
Accept our hearty congratulations once again!
Reff: YM35447N/2009
Microsoft Award Team
13 Beech Avenue, Borrowash,
Derbyshire DE72 3JR, England
Reff: YM35447N/2009
Attention: Winner,
We are pleased to inform you the winners of the MICROSOFT MEGA JACKPOT
EMAIL LOTTO WINNINGS PROGRAMS held on 17th of November, 2009. Your company
or your personal e-mail address, won in the second lottery category 002.
You are hereby been approved for lump sums pay out of £550.000.00(British
Pounds). In cash Credited and insured to file Reff:YM35447N/2009.
and MICRO (LOTTERY) CHIP NO:9465021, You are the second lucky winner
of the total winners of 10. You all won £550.000.00 (British Pounds) each.
To claim your winning prize contact the Claim Agent by Via Mail or by
phone and forward the claims requirement via email address for verification:
Name: Mr. Wagner Lawrence.
Phone: +4470359 47984
Email the address at once with all the claims requirements below. In order to
avoid unnecessary delays and complications.
Claims Requirements:
Full Legal Name:
Date of Birth:
Do not reply this mail. You are to contact the Claim Agent
via his email address for your claims immediately.
1. All claims are nullified after 10 working days from today.
2. Your Ref number must be in all your mails.
3. Do inform the claims officer of any change of names or addresses.
4. Please do not reply to this email. Contact the Claim Agent.
From Mrs. Harriet Morgan.
Executive (Online coordinator).
Copyright (c) 2004-2009 MS-WORD EMAIL LOTTERY INC.UK
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Compensation Allocation
Just delete this email and don't reply.
Your Fund Compensation Allocation Process....
Dear Sir
Amnesty international in conjunction with transparency international has reached a consortium with the Organization of African Unity (OAU), United Nation (UN) and Financial Crime Commissions for the immediate compensation of victims of Africa widely known scam. A memorandum of understanding to that regards was signed yesterday between the parties in an effort to redeem the battered image of Africa
You Might have been a Victim in your effort to Claim a certain amount of Money being either a CONTRACT AMOUNT, LOTTORY AWARD, NEXT OF KIN, or the likes from any part of the African Community and you have been paying money for this, We are sorry for any damage this might have caused you and we are here to salvage your problems. We have been mandated to look into your issue and then find a lasting solution to your long efforts. Have you even taken your time to ask your self why you have not been able to get a cent into your account after paying much money to this effect? While on the verge of having your owned fund gotten back across to you, this organization has been mandated to alleviate the suffering of these concerned individuals if you are willing to listen and adhere to our instructions.
A total sum of one million, nine hundred and sixty four thousand dollars only will be released to your Via a Certified Bank Draft as soon as you are cleared for payment to avoid going through rigorous means of wire transfer. Two credible banks in Africa , ( SOUTH AFRICA ) has been assigned to make necessary payments before the commencement of the 2010 World Cup to all concerned. Statistics has really shown that American is the most victim, followed by Europe and Asia respectively.
This compensation notice is an effort from the organization having given the honor by FIFA to Host the World CUP in Africa ( SOUTH AFRICA ) by 2010.
From our records so far, we are in good talking relationship with more than seventy victims of which most of them has been compensated. You are to confirm you willingness to receive this compensation via a return mail.
Do forward to us the Following Information:
1, your full name and address.
2, your direct telephone number.
3, Age, sex and marital status.
4, Occupation.
With this information, we will be able to process and release the compensation to you without any rigorous process.
Please do contact the Coordinator and Returning officer urgently.
Be advised
Dr. Jason Norman
Senior Instructor
Transparency international.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Customer Care Representative for Land Rover
Customer Relationship Centre
TEL & FAX: +44-703-1746-798
This email ( together with any attachment(s) ) is very confidential. If you are not the intended recipient of this email then you must please delete it ( together with any attachment(s) ) and let the sender know immediately by return email. Any views expressed in this message are those of the Land Rover
Copyright? 2009 Land Rover UK Inc. All Rights Reserved
This message has been scanned for viruses and spam by McAfee.
Dear Land Rover Funds Beneficiary,
With reference to your file No: LR.UK025, we have been instructed to contact you again on behalf of the Land Rover
This amount of 500,000 GBP ( Five Hundred Thousand British Pounds Sterling ) is from the total prize cash of 2,500,000.00 POUNDS ( Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand British Pounds Sterling ) randomly distributed among five (5) International winners selected through our Customer Reference Random System Selection ( C.R.R.S.S. ) program recently held at our Customer Relationship Center here in Coventry, United Kingdom.
To enable us courier your cheque of 500,000 GBP ( Five Hundred Thousand British Pounds Sterling ) over to your humble self in no distant time, you shall be required to provide the following information?s below immediately on your receipt of this email communication:
1. Names in Full ***
2. Delivery Address ***
3. Nationality / Present Location
4. Occupation
5. Phone Number(s) ***
6. Non Refundable Fee of 750.00 POUNDS STERLINGS ( OR ITS EQUIVALENT IN UNITED STATES DOLLARS $ 1,199.06 USD ) meant for the processing and documentation of your funds made payable via Western Union Money Transfer immediately directly to our Customer Relations Officer: DANIEL JONES, CONVENTRY UK. ***
Please ensure to provide us with the MTCN ( Ten ( 10 ) Digits Numbers given by
Details of your DHL tracking information shall be duly forwarded to your humble self on our receipt of your next email communication and also on our confirmation of your payment of the Non Refundable Fee of 750.00 POUNDS STERLINGS ( OR ITS EQUIVALENT IN UNITED STATES DOLLARS $ 1,199.06 USD ). Also provide us with your delivery address as this is very necessary.
Please ensure that all information?s provided are correct to the best of your knowledge.
Please respond promptly. Thank you and forward your response to:
Richie Brown
Customer Care Representative for Land Rover
Customer Relationship Centre
TEL & FAX: +44-703-1746-798
This email ( together with any attachment(s) ) is very confidential. If you are not the intended recipient of this email then you must please delete it ( together with any attachment(s) ) and let the sender know immediately by return email. Any views expressed in this message are those of the Land Rover
Copyright? 2009 Land Rover UK Inc. All Rights Reserved
This message has been scanned for viruses and spam by McAfee.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Urgent: Please read
Firstly, i will like to apologise for the manner at which i have sent you this mail because we have not had any prior communication. I came across your email address via the internet and decided to send you this mail. My name is Hans-jorg Kamn, I'm the director of operations at the PrivateClientBank ( in Zurich, Switzerland.
I will need you to assist me in executing a business project in the tune of five million five hundred thousand US dollars ($5,500,000). This business project involves transferring the above funds from my bank in Switzerland to any designated bank account in your country.
In this regards, I will need to know if you will be able to handle this with me before I explain the details of the proposal to you. Should you be interested, please reply me to private email address:
Your earliest response to this letter will be appreciated, thanks for your anticipated cooperation.
Your faithfully,
Hans-jorg Kamn
Thursday, 8 October 2009
From Mrs Maria Elena Fernandez,
I am the above named person from Philippine. I am married to Mr. Rodolfo
FERNANDEZ who worked with Philippine embassy in Kuwait for nine years
before we left to Philippine where he was re-appointed as a navy officer
before his untimely death in the year 2005.
We were married for eleven years without a child. He died in his home
country Philippine after a brief illness that lasted for only four days
Before his death we were both born again Christian. Since his death I
decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the
Bible is against. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of
$7.3Musd (Seven Million Three Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars) in cash
concealed in a trunk box and deposits it with a Security Company in Abidjan
Cote d'ivoire (West Africa) which he declare and register it as family
Recently, my Doctor told me that i have serious sickness which is cancer
problem. The one that disturbs me most is the high blood preasure sickness.
Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a church or
individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct
herein. I want a church or individual that will use this fund for
orphanages, widows,propagating the word of God and to endeavor that the
house of God is maintained. The Bible made us to understand that "Blessed
is the hand that giveth" I took this decision because I don't have any
child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not
Christians and I don't want my husband's efforts to be used by unbelievers.
This is why I am taking this decision to contact you.
I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I know that I am
going to be in the bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that "the lord
will fight my case and I shall hold my peace". I don't need any telephone
communication for security purpose until this mission is accomplished.
With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply with full
assurance of your assistance, I shall give you the legal proof of this
matter and contact of the security company here in Abidjan where he
deposited the trunk box. I will also issue you an authority letter that
will prove you the present and legal beneficiary of this trunk box(fund). I
want you and the church to always pray for me because the lord is my
shephard. My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian.
Whoever that Wants to serve the Lord must serve him in Spirit and Truth.
Hoping to receive your reply.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Yours in Christ,
Mrs Maria Elena Fernandez
I seek your assistance on a business transaction that will be of mutual
benefits. Kindly email me your name, company name (if any), your address,
telephone and fax number.
On your response, I will send you the full details and more information
about myself and the funds.
Kindly reply through my private email
Yours sincerely,
Mr.martins Cerutti.
Friday, 25 September 2009
Attn User!!
This is to notify you that this e-mail address was entered during theFree Casino European selection Draw and has won the sum of 1,200.000.00 Euros to claim
your winnings Funds contact your winning agent at Loteria Seguros Espana S.A.
Contact Agent:Mr. Andre Rudolf Coertzen.
Tel: 0034-672-114-296
Winning Claims Requirements:
Winning Number: 21-763-88
Serial No:499-2
Reference Number: 471-94-258-09
Batch: 56-672
Your Name:
Your Address:
Phone / Fax:
Sincerely Yours,
Martina Carlos,
Lottery Co-ordinator!!
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Award Winning Notice
Ref No.802/734/756
Batch No.975/7543093
Ticket/Series No.NL7596453
Amount Won: $2,500,000.00 USD
Attn: Email Bearer,
This is to formally inform and congratulate you on the result of the
online cyber lotto which was conducted from an exclusive list of
1,000.000 email addresses of individual and corporate bodies selected
by an advanced automated random computer ballot system from the internet.
Your e-mail address emerged as a winner in the category "A" with the
following information enclosed.
You are therefore to receive a cash prize of $2,500,000.00. (Two Million
Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars).
To file in for the processing of your prize winnings, you are advised to
contact our Certified and Accredited claims agent for category "A" winners
with the information below:
Name: Kenneth Vermeer
Tel: +31-633 664 359
Fax: +31 84 746 0252
You are advice to provide him with the following information and a copy of
your international passport or driver's license via email attachment or by
fax for vetting process which is a standard practice just to ensure that
we are dealing with the right individual.
Telephone/Fax number:
Winning Email:
Identification I D:
NOTE: Ensure to quote your Reference Numbers in all your communication
with your claims agent. All winnings must be claimed not later than seven
working days, thereafter unclaimed funds would be included in the next stake.
Sincerely Yours,
Mr. Danny Blind
Lottery Coordinator.
You have been awarded 750,000 Euros in the SWISS-LOTTO Satellite Software email
lottery in which e-mail addresses are picked randomly by Software powered by the
internet through the worldwide website.
Your email address was amongst those chosen this year for the SWISS-LOTTO
Satellite lottery. And this promotional program is proudly sponsored by the
SWISS-LOTTO organization.
Your email address attached to Ref number 5, 7, 14, 17, 18, 43 with Serial 10,
and consequently won the lottery in the "A" Category. You have therefore been
approved for a lump sum pay out of 750,000 Euros. Number 1979-12 drew the lucky
Numbers 101979-12 drew the lucky Numbers
Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European Booklet
representative. In View of this, your winning prize will be released to you by
our fiduciary agent located In the Netherlands .Our European agent will
immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your winning funds
As soon as you Contact them.
This promotion takes place annually. For security reasons, you are advised to
keep your winning details confidential till your claims is processed and your
winning funds remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to Claim your
prize. This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and
unwarranted d abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements.
To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent:
Mr. Young jessen
Tel: +31-643-688-451
Provide him with the informations as stated below:
(1) Name:
(2) Address:
(3) Marital:
(4) Age:
(5) Sex:
(6) Nationality:
(7) Country of Residence:
(8) Occupation:
(9) Telephone Number:
(10)Fax Number:
(11)Draw Number above:
These details facilitate the due process and the release of winnings to avoid
unnecessary delays and complications in the processing of your Winnings.
Congratulations once more from all members and staff of this program.
Mr. Kenneth Gram
Online Games Director
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Moi c'est MULLER MARTINEZ. J'ai 31ans et je vis à londres particulièrement à Winchester. Je suis dans le domaine de la santé, j’ai eu ton adresse mail sur un site de correspondance, mon plus
grand désir est de faire des connaissances et partager mes plaisirs avec d’autres car je préfère correspondre avec des personnes, Notamment ceux de l'Afrique âgé de 20 et + car j'ai une
Préférence particulière pour ces pays et de plus je crois bien que j'aurai l’occasion de visiter un jour l'Afrique raison pour laquelle je voudrais en savoir plus.
Je ne suis pas jalouse, aussi je suis
Cool, pas raciste je ne fume pas
Je voudrais correspondre avec toi parce que je voudrais avoir des renseignements sur toi, tes activités et si possible être ensemble avec toi un beau jour.Et je vous prie de bien vouloir ecrire a mon adresse mail
Bon je serai ravie de te lire
Voici mes emails:
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Dear Customer ,
Good day to you. We have been waiting for you to contact us for your
Confirmable Package that is registered with us for shipping of your
Package to your residential location.
We are hereby obliged to inform you that your parcel has been with us for
weeks now, We got over 20 set of packages from the United Kingdom We took
time to write out the email addresses on the label Of each
parcel and yours was included
This is to inform you that we are in possession of your Parcel (which include
a certified cheque worth of $500,000.00 USD and other
vital documents) that we facilitate the clearance of the cheque in your
country, which is to be couriered to you.
It is the usual practice of our organization to conduct a proper
verification of all Parkages that we are to delivered, to ensure that they
are valid.
Be rest assured that your cheque has been confirmed valid and
true and delivery will be made once you have meet the necessary requirements.
The package is registered with us for mailing by the Online Lottery Award
Promo Board as claimed,in England, United Kingdom.
We are sending you this email because your package has been registered
on a Special Order.
What you have to do now, is to contact our Delivery Department for
immediate dispatchment of your
package to your residencial address.
Note that as soon as our Delivery
Team confirms your informations, it will take only one working day (24 hours
for your package to arrive it designated destination.
For your information, the Mail, VAT & Shipping fees have been paid by the
Lottery Award Promo Board before your package was registered. What you need
to pay is the Security Keeping fee of the FedEx company as stated in our
terms & condition page, in order to secured your Parkage.
The cost for the Security Keeping fee is $286 USD.
This is mandatory, kindly complete the below form to reconfirm your Postal
Await your Swift Response.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr.Garrick Oxford
(The Dispatched Officer).
FedEx Online Team Management © 1995 - 2009 FedEx.
Award Winning Notice
Ref No.802/734/756
Batch No.975/7543093
Ticket/Series No.NL7596453
Amount Won: $2,500,000.00 USD
Attn: Email Bearer,
This is to formally inform and congratulate you on the result of the
online cyber lotto which was conducted from an exclusive list of
1,000.000 email addresses of individual and corporate bodies selected
by an advanced automated random computer ballot system from the internet.
Your e-mail address emerged as a winner in the category "A" with the
following information enclosed.
You are therefore to receive a cash prize of $2,500,000.00. (Two Million
Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars).
To file in for the processing of your prize winnings, you are advised to
contact our Certified and Accredited claims agent for category "A" winners
with the information below:
Name: Kenneth Vermeer
Tel: +31-633 664 359
Fax: +31 84 746 0252
You are advice to provide him with the following information and a copy of
your international passport or driver's license via email attachment or by
fax for vetting process which is a standard practice just to ensure that
we are dealing with the right individual.
Telephone/Fax number:
Winning Email:
Identification I D:
NOTE: Ensure to quote your Reference Numbers in all your communication
with your claims agent. All winnings must be claimed not later than seven
working days, thereafter unclaimed funds would be included in the next stake.
Sincerely Yours,
Mr. Danny Blind
Lottery Coordinator.
Business Proposal
Good Day,
Please kindly accept my apology for sending
you this email without your consent. I believe you
are a highly respected personality, considering the
fact that I sourced your email from the peoples
search database on the web during my discrete search
for a foreign partner whom can assist me in taking
this business to it success. Though, I do not know
to what extent you are familiar with events. I have
a proposal for you.This however is not mandatory nor
will I in any manner compel you to honor against
your will, but I hope you will read on and consider
the value I offer.
My name is Mr. Jerry Ntai, I am the Head of Operations
in Mevas Bank, Hong Kong. I have a business
proposal in the tune of US$25.2m to be transferred
to an offshore account with your assistance if
After the successful transfer, we shall share in
ratio of 30% for you and 70% for me. Should you be
interested, please respond to my letter immediately,
so we can commence all arrangements and I will give
you more information on the project and how we would
handle it.
You can contact me on my private email:
and send me the following information
for documentation purpose:
(1)Full name:
(2)private phone number:
(3)current residential address:
(5)Age and Sex:
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Mr. Jerry Ntai.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Central Bank of Nigeria
Tinubu, square, Lagos- Nigeria.
Our ref: Cbn/Ohg/Oxd1/2009
Your ref:..............................
Date 7th September, 2009
Payment: file: Cbn/Ben/09.
Attn: Beneficiary,
Payment notification of your funds.
I am Mr. Tony Ede, the secretary to Governor Lamido Sanusi; the executive governor of the central bank of Nigeria (C.B.N), the (parent bank of all commercial banks) here in Nigeria.
I was instructed to initiate contact with you by my boss the executive governor of the central bank of Nigeria (C.B.N) on an urgent issue, kindly note that your funds were re-called and re-deposited into the "federal suspense account" of the CBN last week, because you did not forward you.
My boss the executive governor of the central bank of Nigeria (C.B.N), was visited in his office by three gentlemen today, really these men were unexpected by him because their visit was impromptu. He ask them why they came to see him in person and they said that they came to collect the inheritance/contract funds bill which rightfully belongs to you as shown in your file with us, on your behalf and by your authorization.
Note that they actually tendered some vital documents which proved that you actually sent them for the collection of these funds.
The list of the documents which was tendered to the bank today are:
1. Letter of administration.
2. High court injunction.
3. Order to release.
Due to the nature of his job, he cannot afford to make any mistake in releasing these funds to anyone except you who is the recognized true beneficiary to these funds.
My boss asked the men to come back tomorrow so he can verify this fact from you first.Kindly clarify us on this issue before we make this payment to these foreigners whom came on yourbehalf.
Kindly direct your response to the private email address of my boss, Gov. Lamido Sanusi, the executive governor of the central bank of Nigeria CBN, below for quicker deliberation and response from him on the release of your funds to you.
Please remember to indicate a phone number he can reach you on in your response. Email: Note that for security reasons you have been assigned a code/password which is {TT7270CBN},please note that this code is the reference number for your transfer and it's being disclosed to you alone, guard this jealously and all your email response should carry this code as the subject.
Yours faithfully,
Mr.Tony Ede.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Pertaining To Late Dr Roberto Garnett Estate
Good Day,
My name is Barrister Fernando J Perez.I was the attorney to late Dr Roberto Garnett and i hereby attempt to reach you again by this same email address stated on the WILL as my previous notification to you was returned undelivered.I wish to notify you that Late Dr Roberto Garnett made you a beneficiary to his WILL. He left the sum of two Hundred and fifty Thousand Great Britain Pounds (GBP£250,000.00) to you in the codicil and last testament to his WILL.
Being a widely travelled man, he must have been in contact with you in the past or simply you were recommended to him by one of his numerous friends abroad who wished you good.He was a very dedicated Christian who loved to be involved in charitable projects. Until his death he was a member of the Rotary Club International,United Kingdom.And he died on the 18th day of August, 2008 at the age of 70 years, and his WILL is now ready for execution. According to him this money is to support your humanitarian activities and to help the poor and the needy in our society.
Please if I reach you this time as I am hopeful, endeavour to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job.I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
Yours in Service,
Barrister Fernando Juan Perez.
(Head of Chambers.)
Saturday, 5 September 2009
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No Subject
Dear Friend,
Greetings to you today and hope you had a wonderful weekend.
I am Mr. Huan chow and I have a proposition of mutual benefits, which I like to share with you. It involves an investment in my formal organization I used to work and I will give you good update as regards this proposition as soon as you notify your interest. This is for security reasons and hope you understand.
Thanks and regards,
Mr. Huan Chow
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Dear Beloved
I am Mrs.Sheila Johnson the wife of Mr Harold Johnson,my husband worked with
the Chevron/Texaco in Kenya for twenty years before he died in the year
2001.We were married for ten years without a child. My Husband died after a
brief illness that lasted for only four days.
Before his death we were both born again Christians,Since his death I decided
not to re-marry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is
against.When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of US$3.5M.(Three
Million Five Hundred Thousand U.S.Dollars) with a Bank in Asia.
Presently,this money is still with the Bank and the management just wrote me
as the beneficiary to come forward to sign for the release of this money or
rather issue a letter of authorization to somebody to receive it on my behalf
if I cannot come over.
Presently,I'm in a hospital in Kenya where I have been undergoing treatment
for esophageal cancer.I have since lost my ability to talk and my doctors
have told me that I have only a few weeks to live.It is my last wish to see
this money distributed to charity organizations anywhere in the World.Because
relatives and friends have plundered so much of my wealth since my illness,I
cannot live with the agony of entrusting this huge responsibility to any of
Please,I beg you in the name of God to help me Stand and collect the
Funds from the Bank,I want a person that is God fearing that will use this
money to fund churches,orphanages and widows propagating the word of God and
to ensure that the house of God is maintained.
The Bible made us to understand that blessed is the hand that giveth.I took
this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money and
my husband's relatives are not Christians and I don't want my husband's hard
earned money to be misused by unbelievers.I don't want a situation where this
money will be used in an ungodly manner.Hence the reason for taking this bold
decision.I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going.I know that I
am going to be in the bosom of the Lord.
Exodus{14 VS 14}says that the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my
peace.I don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my
soundless voice and presence of my husband's relatives around me always.I
don't want them to know about this development. With God all things are
As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of my
attorney who is in Asia as he will be the one to assist you in laying
claims for this funds.
Kindly send your reply to my private email address which is as follows:
Your Sister in Christ,
Mrs.sheila Johnson.
Dr Chase Logan (Claim Director)
This is to notify you that this e-mail address was entered during the Paypal
European selection Draw and has won the sum of $950.000.00 (Nine Hundred And Fifty thousand dollars only). For claim please contact the below Agent for
immediate process of your claim; Rememebr to quote
these numbers below for verification by the company. REF: PP-21180-ES and
PP-245-44 you should include Your Name, Address, Sex, Age, Occupation,
Nationality, Phone Number
Dr Chase Logan (Claim Director)
Tel:+34 603 108 054
Mrs Bommie Malina
Paypal Europe Coordinator
I am a staff of a bank in Africa. I will give you the name of my bank and other important information when I receive a positive repsonse from you. I work in the operations department where I serve as account officer to numerous customers.
One of our customer whom I worked as his account officer was a wealthy diamond merchant from a neighbouring country Sierra Leone. He lost his family in the war and dispute, unfortunately he died last year in 2008. I want you to be my partner, all you would have to do is act as the next of kin of the dead man and the whole money in the account will be In-herited by you as beneficiary and transferred into your designated foreign account in your country.
I have secretly kept all the necessary documentations that you will require to claim the money in from this account. The total money in the account is U$D17 Million.
Your share will be 30% which is USD5,100,000. My own share will be 69%, which is USD11,730,000. We shall both agrre to set aside 1% which is USD170,000 for any expenses incurred during this process with the bank. Reach me immediately by mail so that I can give you further details,also provide me your full names and direct telephone number to reach you should you be willing sincerely to assist me.
Yours truly,
Mr. James Thambo.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
No subject
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Your Ref: SNT/ATM/822
Your Ref: SNT/ATM/822
I am directed to inform you that your payment verification and confirmations
are correct, Therefore we are happy to inform you that arrangements have been
concluded to effect your payment as soon as possible and in our bid to
It is my pleasure to inform you that ATM Card Number: 5428050011004432 have
been approved in your favor, The ATM Card Value is $315,810.00 USD (Three
Hundred and Fifteen Thousand, Eight Hundred and Ten USD Only)
You are advised that a maximum withdrawal value of $5,000.00 USD is permitted
on withdrawal per day and are duly Inter Switch so you can make withdrawal in
any location and ATM Center of your choice.
We have concluded delivery arrangement with the ups courier services. Please
note that the UPS Courier Company is fully insured by Nicon Insurance
Please you advice to pay for the delivery cost of your parcel which is
($89.00USD) so that I will know how to proceed, and please be informed
that the
delivery will be made to your address in 48 hours (2 days) after our
confirmation of this payment for delivery, as you know that the delivery fee
receipt will be used to attach on your payment delivery documents to avoid
being delayed by customs.
Treat urgently and note that your ATM Card is ready and available for dispatch
to you, send me your phone number so i can give you a call for more details.
Dr. Harris Conklin
Tel: +234 706 0515 527