Thursday, 18 June 2009

Mr Ban Ki-moon

Can you spot the obvious signs that this is a scam? It claims to come from Switzerland and then tells you to contact someone in Nigeria. Why would the UN hold a random email draw? And if you really had won a prize, why would the organisation need to know your gender, marital status or occupation?

It's all a scam. Delete the email and don't reply. If you do reply, the scammer will start asking you for money.

United Nations Trust Funds
Switzerland Department of Humanitarian Affairs
Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10


Dear Winner,

We at United Nations (UN) global office likes to officially
Congratulate you for the draw that was just held by our organization
which featured you as the second place winner.

Our organization holds promotions each year just to promote our
Global publicity and reputations as we plan to exploit more corners
of the world.

This promotion is just one of various ways we are presently using to
Achieve this global vision of ours. Your email address with Winning
ID............ (UNO-154/4456/011) was luckily drawn to be this year's
Second place winner a cash prize of $550,000 United States Dollars.
This money we believe will enable you makes some impact in the society.

Ensure you contact Mr. Michael Solomon who is our claims officer in
Africa. (Nigeria) for more information and can understand only English
Languages. See details of him below

Name: Mr.Packer Williams
Tell: +2347033356828

When contacting the claims Officer you should include the following

*** Your Full Name:.........................
*** Address:................................
*** Phone number:.........................
*** Age:...............
*** Gender:....................
*** Occupation:......................
*** Winning email and Winning ID:......................
*** Marital Status:.....................
*** Country:...................

We know you must be excited and very happy about this news you have
just received from us and the truth is that we are doing this to put
Smiles into homes and hearts of people worldwide.

Special greetings from the entire Staffs of United Nations
Trust Funds Worldwide.

Mr. Ban Ki-moon
*NOTE** You must be 18years or older to claim. Late response is not
accepted. Misconduct and non adherence to instructions leads to prize

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